If you haven’t heard by now, three of our #4littleAdams came up with the idea to create and sell a travel keepsake journal for kids.

It started one night at dinner while we were talking about a trip we had taken a couple years before. The kids were struggling to remember some pretty cool activities we did, so they asked to watch some home videos from that trip. All of a sudden, one of my daughters suggested they journal about their trips, and my son suggested they take more pictures and scrapbook.

Those two suggestions were the foundation of their Children focused Travel journal titled “My Kid Travel and Keepsake Journal: Up Up And Away”. You can grab a copy or three by clicking the link and purchasing through amazon.
They worked hard to come up with the name of the journal, the layout, and the color scheme for the front cover. You can imagine how proud we were of them, and how proud they were of themselves seeing it all come together.
Once we went live on Amazon, they asked that I tell “everyone” on the internet. Hahah, if only it worked that way. I pushed it out on social media, but told them that they also had try to sell the journal themselves. I was so happy when I discovered Acton Children’s Business Fair, and quite shocked that there were so many selling opportunities in our area.

Signing up was fairly easy. There is a $25 sign up fee and a mandatory virtual orientation to coach the young entrepreneurs through their sales pitch. Everyone from Acton was extremely helpful, kind and patient with all of the kids.
Finally the big day arrived. We arrived an hour early to set up their booth and get the nervousness out. They also took turns practicing their sales pitch and strategies to get potential customers to stop at their booth. It was the cutest thing watching them take this so seriously.
Ultimately, the kids sold out of all their inventory (30 books), AND won the grand prize of $50 for best sales pitch. Ghost judges were going around to each table to see how each child did with their sales pitches and selling strategies. We had a strict rule of “no parent involvement” for the sale of merchandise. We could only help with accepting money or providing change to customers, but only if asked by the kids. The program is really focused on the children taking the lead. What awesome skills they’ve learned as a result.
If you have your own kid-prenuers definitely look into Acton in your area. You kids will learn so much, expand their confidence, and see their efforts in real time.
And don’t forget to grab a copy of the “My Kid Travel and Keepsake Journal: Up Up And Away” for all of the kid travelers in your life!

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