In our house we believe that exploration is achieved best through travel, reading, and consistent writing! Once my husband and I became intentional about exploring the world with our children, we noticed after the first few trips that they were forgetting certain aspects of the trips. Each time we recounted the adventures for them, they’d get excited all over again and say things like, “Oh yeah!! I remember now. That was so fun.” Over dinner one evening they suggested journaling and scrapbooking after every trip to help them better remember the fun. I was absolutely thrilled. What mom doesn’t want her kids to request more writing opportunities? After searching for travel journals, none exactly lived up to what I was looking for, so we decided to create our own. Trust me, it’s the perfect travel keepsake journal for your kid travelers.

An amazing, easy to use Child Travel and Keepsake Journal for your little ones to document all their travel adventures!